Applied Mathematics for Brewing and Malting Technologists

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Versandgewicht: 670 g

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The goal of this reference book, available for the first time in English, is to provide an overview of the technological calculations and benchmarks relevant to those in the brewing and malting industries. The authors supplement this overview with correlations and statistically reliable relationships they have researched during their carriers. For trainees, students, and practitioners of brewing, malting, and beverage sciences, this book will help to optimize process management. Furthermore helpful technological calculation tables and graphs are included to create an easy to use reference book. In addition to the computational principles, numerous sample calculations, in the form of real world examples, are explained and carried out to provide a deeper understanding of the discussed topics. From these principles and examples, the reader can easily implement company specific solutions. For smaller breweries, which may lack the data for a large analytical study, simplified technological approximations are also suggested. Since the book has its origin in Germany, metric system units are used in all calculations.




Autor/en: Gerolf Annemüller, Hans-J. Manger

Einband: Softcover

Maße: 17,5 x 24,5 cm

Seitenzahl: 366

Erscheinungsdatum: 05.2017

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-921690-83-3

Verlag: Versuchs- u. Lehranstalt f. Brauerei



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