Brewing Techniques in Practice

Artikel-Nr.: 0852

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Versandgewicht: 960 g

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This handbook addresses both students of brewing technology and technological practitioners. It provides a comprehensive overview of raw materials, modern plant and process engineering, quality characteristics, stability values, sensorics, microbiology, speciality beers and health aspects.

Biochemical fundamentals and technological interrelationships are impressively depicted in well-arranged tables and illustrations.

This clear arrangement and the accompanying discussion of various problematic cases, as well as presentation of appropriate methods of resolution, make this handbook indispensable for practitioners.





Autor/en: Werner Back, Martina Gastl, Martin Krottenthaler, Ludwig Narziß, Martin Zarnkow 

Einband: Hardcover

Maße: 17,5 x 24,5 cm

Seitenzahl: 396

Erscheinungsdatum: 30.10.2019

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-418-00852-3

Verlag: Fachverlag Hans Carl GmbH



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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Startseite, Bücher in Englisch, BRAUWELT Wissen