Processing of various adjuncts in beer production

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With this title the authors wish to present a short history of the use of raw grain adjuncts for beer production and inform about the present situation. Alongside an explanation of the important terms, the focus is on the main adjuncts corn (maize), rice and barley and the peculiarities associated with their processing but also on millet/sorghum, wheat, rye, oats, triticale, manioc as well as starch syrups and other sugar products. The use of whey and potatoes is also dealt with. The enzymes relevant for the digestion of adjuncts are outlined and the handling of enzyme preparations explained. The technical equipment for the preparation and processing of the adjuncts, especially the mechanical crushing and grinding techniques, are presented. Key topics in the text are, above all, the mashing process and suggestions for wort production using raw grain adjuncts in the brewery. Emphasis is given to the processing of raw barley. Finally, quality aspects of the beers and economic considerations of adjunct use are discussed. The results presented are based on the long term experiences of the authors with the use of adjuncts in the brewing industry of the former GDR and their accompanying scientific support. Content: Adjuncts (malt substitutes) Use of enzymes and other additives for processing adjuncts Technology and technique of preparation, storage, and crushing of the adjuncts Mashing procedures and the processing of adjuncts to obtain worts for beer production Special features regarding the use of barley adjuncts for beer production.




Autor/en: Gerolf Annemüller, Hans-J. Manger

Einband: Hardcover

Maße: 17,0 x 24,0 cm

Seitenzahl: 164

Erscheinungsdatum: 23.09.2013

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-921690-74-1

Verlag: Versuchs- u. Lehranstalt f. Brauerei



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