BrewingScience Abonnement für Studenten und Auszubildende (Inland)

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BrewingScience - is an internationally recognized scientific online journal of the brewing industry in English language.

It offers a media mix of quick and concise information via an e-mail newsletter in combination with the online version with excellent search capabilities in the brewing science archive and in the print edition of a yearbook.

Any submitted articles undergo an anonymised  review system in which the publishing house is supported by renowned specialists both domestically and abroad. The publication language is English. It is published online at an interval of every two months.

The scientific publisher of
- European Brewery Convention (EBC), Brussels, Belgium;
- Wissenschaftsförderung der Deutschen Brauwirtschaft e.V. in Berlin, Germany;
Including contributions from external scientists and publication of doctoral theses.

All basic research work of the universities mentioned as well as eminent institutes outside Germany. Short abstracts are also published to report on relevant literature at home and abroad (229 trade journals/abstract service).

Technical executives in the brewing industry world-wide, in particular from the areas of quality assurance, research and development, innovations, new developments of technical and technological products and plants are evaluated, supported or rejected by the reader target group.

Issue dates
Form of publication: Online journal + newsletter

Cancellation: Can be cancelled monthly after expiry of the annual subscription.

Please attach to your order your student ID, which has to be renewed annually till December 31.



Unser Aboservice beantwortet gerne Ihre Fragen.

Tel.: + 49 911 - 9528529





Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: BrewingScience