MEBAK® - Guideline Filtration

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Versandgewicht: 246 g

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The filtration guideline was designed to serve as a tool for evaluating filtration equipment in the brewing industry. This edition focuses on depth filtration. An assessment of alternative filtration methods, with an emphasis on membrane filtration, will follow. Along with general data regarding filter parameters and performance, the guideline also provides information for assessing the quality of unfiltrate and filtrate samples. Instructions and equations for evaluating the filtration process round out the guideline. The working group for the MEBAK® filtration guideline was headed by Dr. Stefan Kreisz and Dr. Roland Pahl. They were supported by the following team: Dr. Heinz-Michael Anger, PD Dr. Hartmut Evers, Dr. Ulrich Gans, Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Gaub, Dipl.-Ing. Peter Gattermeyer, Prof. Dr. Fritz Jacob, Brm. Markus Luebbe, Dr. Stefan Lustig, Dipl.-Brm. Ulrich Sander and Dr. Andreas Zeller. We would like to extend our gratitude to all members of the working group for their efforts in creating this guideline.




Einband: Hardcover

Maße: 15,0 x 21,5 cm

Seitenzahl: 59

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.03.2018

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-9815960-8-3

Herausgeber: MEBAK



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